Frequently Asked Questions
About facility
- Are there any restrictions on usage time?
There is a restriction for use hours only for morning bath business, but there is no restriction for regular business use from 10 o'clock.
Please note that the usage time at each site is different.
- Do you have a closed day?
There are several closing days a year for facility inspection days.
- Are there any entrance restrictions?
You may be temporarily restricted from entering during busy season.
- Do you have a private bath?
There is not.
- I have a small child, do I have it together? How old do you take baths of the opposite sex?
- I have a pet, do you want to bring it with me?
We are not allowed to enter pets.
- Can I make a reservation?
お問合せ先 0555-22-1126
- Is there any place to smoke? Do you sell it in the building again?
We have smoking rooms on 1F (outside), 2F and 3F. Please refrain from smoking at other places.
Please note that we do not sell cigarettes.
- Can you stay?
Although accommodation is not possible due to the one-day hot spring facilities, staying at the adjacent Highland Resort Hotel & Spa offers the benefit of free admission to Fujiyama Onsen during the stay.
- Is there a place to store my luggage?
Please use the valuables locker and the paid locker (500 yen) located in front of the front desk.
- Can I use only facilities other than a bath?
Aroma treatment "Mimpi" and body care & refle are available.
For the rest, you are required to pay the entrance fee regardless of whether you use the hot-spring bath.
About charges and payments
- Is it okay to carry my wallet at the facility?
When using the paid facilities in the hotel, the wristband payment bar code given at the reception will be used as a wallet.
Charges will be added when presented at each location, and the charge for use will be a system for payment at the time of exit.
- キャッシュレス決済の利用は可能ですか?
- Do you need a coin to use the locker?
Cash is only required for paid lockers (500 yen) in front of the reception.
About bath and amenities
- Do you have a towel or hairdryer ready?
Towels are provided with bath towel and face towel at the time of admission.
Hair dryers are available in the powder room attached to the dressing room.
- 刺青やタトゥーがある場合でも入館できますか?
- はい、当館指定のタトゥーカバーシール(118mm×172mm ※フロントで販売)を2枚まで使用して完全に覆うことができる場合に限り、ご入館いただけます。
なお、以下の場合はご入館をお断りいたします。- 当館指定のタトゥーカバーシールのご使用を拒否される方
- 当館のルールを守っていただけない方
- タトゥーの有無にかかわらず、反社会的勢力の方
About facilities except bath
- Where should I apply for receptions such as massages and esthetics?
Please make a reservation at the entrance stand.
In addition, it is possible to make a reservation using the telephone set in the bedrock bath reception desk or the changing room.
We have a reception at the front desk.
・ Folgi processing place Fuji
Please make reservations at the entrance to the public bath, the 4th floor Hogushi-no-ji Fuji (Reverse Tokyo reception).
In addition, it is possible to make a reservation using the telephone set in the bedrock bath reception desk or the changing room.
・ Aroma treatment "Mimpi"
Please make a reservation at Mimpi Reception on the 4th floor.
- Is there a break room?
You can use the 2nd floor relaxing 'Utauta', the 3rd floor observation break room and hammock room freely.
- Do you sell souvenirs?
There is a shop on the first floor, next to the reception.
There are many Yamanashi local confectionery and seasonal products available, so please feel free to use them.
- Do you sell bath products such as underwear and shampoos?
There is a handling at the front yokohama shop on the first floor.
About meals and banquets
- Can I have a banquet?
お問い合わせ先 0555-22-1126
- Can you do karaoke?
There is no karaoke available.
- I have a small child, can I eat together?
You can eat at the restaurant "Fujiyama Dining".
A children's menu is also available.
- Is it possible to bring in food and drink?
We do not accept food and drink from the viewpoint of hygiene. For food and drink, please use the restaurant "Fujiyama Dining" on the second floor, and the vending machine installed on each floor.
- Can you use only food without taking a bath?
You are required to pay the entrance fee regardless of the use of the hot spring ward.
- ほじょ犬(身体障害者補助犬)の受け入れについて